This dress was a joy to make. I had made the steel hooped crinoline so had a good base to work over. The white collar and the white under sleeves are removable for washing and made of cotton. The main dress is made of a two toned grey satin with a mid grey satin edging. I enlarged a very small bonnet pattern until it was big enough for my head and used the same material to cover it.

A close up of the bonnet trimmings.

This photo looks better in sepia as it was quite under exposed.

A slightly more frontal view of the bodice.

This isn't the best photo as far as lighting goes but it goes to show you can actually sit down while wearing a crinoline!!!

Check this out for a crinoline!!  I was a ghost bride of the 1850's for Halloween 2008.  I had fun wearing this costume and got the most votes for best costume!  It wasn't made historically correct as it had a zipper up the back but it certainly got some comments! It was a shame I had to rip it up to make it look tatty after making it although it is hard to tell the lace had great big holes in it.

I even came with my very own groom in ripped top and tails and complete with spiders!
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